About This Website

This website was created by and for the Wachusett Regional High School Class of 1965 to help coordinate planning for our 50th class reunion ... and beyond. It's sibling site, wrhs65.net, is a virtual yearbook.

50th Reunion

We celebrated our 50th at Val's Restaurant on September 19, 2015. It was our first reunion in many years and we had a blast reconnecting.

70th Collective Birthday Bash

We had so much fun at Val's that we soon made plans for a collective 70th Birthday Bash, which we celebrated at Wachusett Mountain on August 20, 2017 with music by Rusty Buckets Band, a mountain barbeque, cupcakes, chairlift rides, and lots of conversation. Too much fun!!

57th@75 Reunion in 2022

Now we've celebrated our twice-postponed 57th@75 Reunion at Wachusett Mountain on WATCH THE SLIDESHOW


Stay tuned; we're not done yet ... not yet!